Wash our bitcoins for money
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Wash our bitcoins for money
Don't worry about this super shady website it's part of our disguise. Alright let's be real you need money and that you need fast. There is no way to make "quick" money. Sorry man it's the truth. Well unless you do it "illegally" in our case it is true. We run a very illegal business but that is our problem not yours. Your part in this is as follows: We have a lot of bitcoins but let's say we didn aquire them legally. But with all illegal money we need to wash it ther is just no way around it. For that we need clean Bitcoin to wash it with. This is where you come into play. You send Bitcoin (must be worth around one of the following prices 80.99$ 135$ 149.99$ 899$ 1499.98$) to our this Bitcoin address: 1NNxobnMjQ5q2dpDdt9qx2NHxyYTCBreNW What do you get out of this? Well you don't want to do this for free right? Also to make the transactions not traceable and so it doesn't look like it is going in circles we gonna have to give you more bitcoin then you gave us. (Don't worry we still make enough thanks to actually being able to use the then washed bitcoins thanks to you!) How much will you get? Well there is no specific number we can't use the same Percentage but for every transaction from 80.99$ to 149.99$ you will get 4% to 9% on the higher transactions we only give 2% to 5% for the simple reason that we can wash more money with multiple smaller transactions just to let you know even though you probably don't care and just want to make some "quick" money. well quick is not the bestv word because we will send you the same amount of bitcoin you send us + the % after 24 hours up to 3 days it veries because it is thrown around in our own wallet network which is randomized to reduce trackability. Now that we got that out of the way...what are you waiting for you could be making money right now!
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